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Find Us!

The Rolling Bean wants to serve our community and you will find us at many locations. There are some pre-approved locations with City right of way for food truck vehicles to use.

The first pre-approved location will be at 1119 Tacoma Ave S, right across the street from the library in Downtown Tacoma. There are many businesses and homes in the area opening us up to a wide demographic, from young adults to the elderly, of customers for our business. We would work here any day from 10am-3pm.

The second pre-approved location is the parking spaces in front of 1201 Pacific Ave, which is another great spot in the heart of Downtown Tacoma. Not only will we be able to reach the many working class people in the area, this spot is right next to Pierce Transits Downtown Transit Center, presenting more opportunities to serve more people from different communities. This location is only available Monday and Tuesday from 10am-3pm.

Various other locations and special events will require a temporary single, or multi-day use permit from The City of Tacoma, as well as liability insurance, a copy of the TPCHD Mobile Unit Permit and Sales Site Agreements and an inspection of the vehicle by the Fire Department.